Thursday, July 17, 2014

Decklists Next Week and the Darkpact Cycle

Just want to give people a heads up that next week I will be posting the first edition of the playtest decklists starting Monday with white and ending Friday with green.  With that, I will post all cards I have either created or updated.  I would very much like feedback and please don't be shy to call a turd a turd.

Darkpact Cycle

Calling this cycle the Darkpact Cycle is the lazy way of saying there are all super powerful Ante cards that cost three of one color.  Like any cycle, clearly some are better than others, but I am very happy with how they turned out.  I am very interested to see how they play and how fun or un-fun they are.

Bonus!  Ripped from the Page is not part of the cycle, but does cost three of its color and is a scary Ante card.

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