Monday, June 30, 2014

The Generals

The hardest part of designing Ante Commander has been the generals.  They have to be five color, but cheap enough to matter and distinct to their deck.  I came up with this formula:

The things to note:
1. Each general cost a hybrid of the five colors with one color being required.  They will lead the deck that favors that color.  Hermie will lead the blue favoring counter spell deck.
2. Each will have choices for enter the battlefield abilities.  This is the hardest part to balance and I forsee the most editing happening there.
3. Each will transform into a bigger creature.  Note that each will then lose its two ally colors.  It will also be set in the rules that both sides of you commander count towards commander damage.
4. Lastly, each commander will be un-ante-able.  This is important as you need you general to play commander.  I may turn the ability into a keyword.

Another thing to note, I have tried to use under utilized creature types, but finding art has been difficult.  Please post thoughts on any and all of this.  It has not been easy designing the commander, but it has be very rewarding.  I will post the rest of the commanders soon.

Update:  I think I will make the ability a keyword, though I may not keep the reminder text for print.

Update 2: Should only be able to steal nonland permanents.

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